вторник, 1 ноября 2011 г.

Several doctors at IGMH fall sick, few admitted for treatment and several OPDs cancelled

In an apparent food poisoning caused by eating food at a party held at IGMH, several Maldivian and Foreign doctors working at IGMH have fallen sick today.

Several doctors, more than 20 according to information received from IGMH public relations counter, were absent from work today due to diarrhea, abdominal pains and high grade fever. We have received reports that a few of the doctors were admitted temporarily in the emergency room with severe dehydration and abdominal cramps last night and this morning.

Today morning several OPD clinics at IGMH were canceled because doctors could not report to work because of ill health. According to our sources, more than 15 OPDs were canceled in total this morning and afternoon. The OPD services were grounded to a halt and several patients had to return home when the hospital administration were unable to find well enough doctors to replace those who had called in sick. According to some counts some 250 appointments were canceled today. Several OPDs are expected to be cancelled tomorrow as well.

One viagra cialis online pharmacy pharmacy, who was herself affected, answered an SMS from us to report that the doctors ate at a party thrown by Dr Ahmed Ashraf Ali, Urologist, to mark the birth of his child (and his 2nd marriage) yesterday. She said that she thought that the food was either improperly cooked or contaminated.

The catering for the event according to another source was Brothers Catering and the alleged offending food was a rice preparation which unfortunately was a great hit at the party. We cannot confirm whether that information is correct. It was reported to us that Dr Ashraf has personally called most of those affected and offered his apologies. We hope that concerned authorities would investigate this incident appropriately.

We at MMW express our best wishes to all doctors for a full and quick recovery and hope that they are all able to return to work as soon as possible.

суббота, 29 октября 2011 г.

Andropause and Bio-T Blood screening

As many of my friends are over the age of 45, I find myself concerned about their sexual health as they enter this phase of their lives. Natural production of testosterone declines after a certain age, and there are symptoms associated with it. I found a very nice Canadian website called andropause.ca that not only helps men understand what it is and what the treatment options are, but it addresses the issue that most doctors are not familiar with this condition, including your family doctor. There is a list (by province) of doctors who specialize in andropause.

I mentioned andropause to a few clients (over age 65) who have complained about weak erections and lowered libido, a few symptoms of the condition. They mentioned it to their (female) doctor, who discounted the possibility without doing a blood test that measures the bio-available testosterone in the sample. I felt sad and compelled to provide an outside source of information and a list of sympathetic doctors (at least to my Canadian friends).

Men that I know who are on supplemental testosterone have more energy, more life, and enjoy more their visits with me. When sex hormones are balanced these guys feel better than normal, and fatigue never seems to get to them like it did before supplementation. They don't accumulate body fat as fast as before, and their dicks get as hard as a rock like it did before. Erection drugs like Viagra and online pharmacy viagra work better, and that aspect makes sexual activity less worrisome.

Worrying about getting erections remove the mental energy that is needed for letting go and having fun. But with preparation and participation in adjusting to the natural changes that occur to everyone that ages, sex can get better than you remember because of the appreciation factor.

You can fully appreciate something when it is gone, and when you get it back after some effort, you will never let it slip away again. Sex is something joyful that we must never lose touch with. But when sex does leave a person's life, people around you can tell. You should witness the subtle transformation my friends undergo when they leave my apartment. Simply put, it's a good feeling for everyone!

понедельник, 23 мая 2011 г.

I ordered some viagra but my parents saw want me to give to them when it comes how can i get away with it?

I ordered some viagra but my parents saw want me to give to them when it comes how can i get away with it?


I ordered some Viagra, but my parents saw that I ordered it and want me grate on nerves give to them when it comes. How can I get away next to it? I glutemaximus say that the package never came and just allow it but I'm not sure if that will work. I'm only 19 but i wanted to try it. I'm not looking on advice on whether I forced to permit cheap cialis or not, just make over how to get absent getting the package.


order some more and keep the 1st lot that come through, then u both win. but u are well too young to be takin it!


dont give them. order more from here - www. tabstrade. com/product/viagra. htmlit is safe!


Online Pharmacy www. pharmacynextdoor. co offers FDA-approved prescription drugs without a prescription.


tell ur dad he is just jealous cuz his penis is tiny...


Not sure man...you don't want to play with that stuff too much...tehn you might want to take it every time you have sex, and your lady might expect it....and that can get pretty damn expensive. Maybe it was meant for your parents to take away. Why not try erection strengthening exercises instead? These have worked wonders for my erections:Does my Erection have a Steel Pipe running through it? mistermanpower. net/blog/?p=222


kid your 19.you have the right. your parents only want it bc your dad probally said he wants it.


Tell them that you sent it back to them because there was no point in keeping it because they were going to take it away anyway. You had to send it back within 1 days because thats the limited time you would get your money back.


your 19 if you pay for it. it is yours if they take it have them arrested.....get real DIP


Be a man and just say no.


first of all your 19. be a man and keep whats yours. 2nd, you should really be careful with that stuff, if you take a wrong dose or too much, you could damage your pipe. There ARE stories of men that their hard on would NOT go down...had to go to emergency room cause after hours and hours it doesn't feel good anymore...it hurts...they usually have to slice the actual muscle of your penis to relieve to pressure from the blood. that would screw you up for sure.

South Mansfield
Warr Acres
Boones Mill
Rohnert Park

вторник, 17 мая 2011 г.

Smiling Bob and the Lighthouse

You've all seen "Smiling Bob." He's the mascot for Enzyte, the penis enlargement pill. Enzyte's parent company is now being fined a hefty 2.5 million bucks for basically lying about their products.

That sure is a large sack of money.

Enzyte's main problem is that they approached the subject in a very immature manner. They tried to make jokes that middle school kids would think are hilarious, and in the process ended up making claims that they couldn't back up. This fine is just the beginning, too... other lawsuits may explode, and they're probably going to get pretty messy.

Enzyte needs to take a page out of the cheap cialis playbook, and let the scenery do the talking.

Cialis isn't a penis enlargement pill; it's an erectile dysfunction pill. And what I appreciate most about the Cialis commercials is the wonderful use of subliminal messages.

Here's a description of the Cialis commercial. See if you can spot the subliminality:

Two old people are walking along a shore. The old man pops a pill. In the distance, you see a tall and streamlined lighthouse. There's even a small building attached to the base of this very phallic-shaped lighthouse. There are probably two nuts living in that small building, if you ask me.

This old guy needs some substinence, so he and his lady friend get some ice cream. The woman takes a couple licks from the ice cream cone, then shoves the entire thing in her mouth. She wipes her chin with a napkin.

I'm not making this up. This is a real commercial. But wait, it gets better.

Like I said before, they're walking along a shore. The waves crash into the shore, spraying white foam everywhere. From the camera's angle, most of this foam hits the woman.

Ah, Cialis. This is marketing at its finest.

вторник, 3 мая 2011 г.

CIALIS 50mg tadalafil

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dalam order cialis tablet, 1 sisi tercetak C50 dan di lapisi warna kuning mentah. 1 Botol isi 10 tablet.

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Selama rangsangan seksual, Cialis memungkinkan seorang pria, untuk mengisi dengan darah yang cukup untuk menyebabkan ereksi. Setelah seks berakhir, ereksi hilang. Anda akan mendapatkan ereksi dengan hanya mengambil Cialis. Rangsangan seksual diperlukan untuk Cialis menjadi efektif. Dokter Anda atau ahli kesehatan selalu Anda sumber informasi terbaik ketika mengevaluasi pengobatan untuk masalah ereksi.

Hasil tes menunjukkan bahwa dari 700 peserta sekurang-kurangnya 88% dari orang mengalami perbaikan dengan ereksi

CIALIS 50mg( tadalofil) digunakan untuk mengobati dysfuncion ereksi ( Impotensi) Cialis mulai bekerja di 30minutes dan berlangsung selama sekitar 3 jam, sementara efek viagra berlangsung hingga 5 jam,

Fungsi cialis 50mg.

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2.mengandung banyak faktor kekuatan yang dibutuhkan oleh laki-laki, administrasi jangka panjang dapat meningkatkan semangat, prostat dan penyakit lain yang serupa, dan dosis penggunaan: ambil satu pil 10-30 menit sebelum hubungan seksual.

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Obat kuat seks dalam bentuk tablet yang bagus untuk meningkatkan vitalitas pria dewasa tua maupun yang muda. di minum 1 jam sebelum main. dijamin joss dan perkasa. banyakanya produk cialis yang ada dipasaran ini merupakan yang paling bagus dan paling manjur khasiatnya, obat kuat seks dalam bentuk tablet siap minum, obat kuat seks cialis merupakan hasil formula ramuan yang sudah teruji dan terbukti secara klinis mampu meningkatkan daya tahan seks dan vitalitas pria dewasa dalam berhubungan seksual. setelah anda minum dalam waktu 15 menit saja sudah bereaksi, anda akan tahan ereksi, tahan lama dalam bersenggama selama satu jam lebih.

Produk obat kuat seks cialis ini merupakan obat kuat yang sudah melewati uji kualitas, jadi anda tidak perlu kuatir dengan efek samping yang diberikan, obat kuat seks cialis ini aman digunakan tapa efek samping ke jantung, ginjal, maupun organ lainnya. dengan dosis yang cukup tepat per tablet ramuannya, sehingga mempercepat reaksi setelah anda minum. walaupun dosisnya tinggi namun tetap aman untuk jantung anda.

Produk kuat seks tahan lama cialis ini sangat terbatas ketersediaanya jadi bila anda ingin segera pesan silahkan kontak kami akan segera di siapkan. hanya di kami produk-produk terbaik dan di jamin paling murah silahkan anda bandingkan dengan yang lain. produk yang kami display di atas adalah asli dan original yang juga akan kami kirimkan pada anda.


1 tablet di minum, 30menit sebelum berhubungan.

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Daftar 46 Jamu Berbahaya dari BPOM

VIVAnews - Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) mengeluarkan peringatan kepada masyarakat untuk mewaspadai obat tradisional yang beredar di Indonesia. BPOM mengeluarkan daftar berisi 46 obat tradisional yang mengandung bahan kimia.

Kepala BPOM RI Kustantinah, Jumat 13 Agustus 2010 menjelaskan bahwa 46 obat tradisional atau jamu berbahaya itu mengandung bahan kimia di luar takaran yang sudah ditentukan.

Kustantinah menjelaskan, kini telah terjadi pergeseran tren jenis Obat Tradisional Berbahan Kimia Obat (OT-BKO). Jika pada kurun waktu 2001-2007 trend OT-BKO berbentuk obat rematik dan penghilang rasa sakit, maka sejak 2007 hingga kini menjadi obat pelangsing dan penambah stamina. "Perubahan tren ini diakibatkan permintaan konsumen," katanya.

BPOM telah melakukan langkah preventif dengan menarik semua peredaran OT-BKO di pasaran. Jika produsen membandel, maka BPOM akan melaksanakan langkah hukum untuk memberikan efek jera.

Berikut ke 46 jenis obat tradisional yang mengandung bahan kimia:

1. Wei Yi Xin Kapsul Produksi Jiangsu Haihong Pharmaceutical China (Mengandung Glibenklamida).
2. Gemuk Segar Eka Jaya No. 1 Serbuk, Perusahaan Jamu (PJ) Satu Jaya Kopja Aneka Sari Cilacap (mengandung Parasetamol).
3. Kateling Jiaonang Produksi tidak jelas, importir PT Saras Subur Ayoe (mengandung CTM).
4. Pegal Linu Eka Jaya No.2, PJSatu Jaya Kopja Aneka Sari Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol).
5. Pegal Linu Sari Widodo COD, Ikot Putra Kinasih, Banyuwangi. (mengandung Fenilbutason).
6. Yin Chiao Tablet, PT Herba Aneka Semesta, Tangerang, (mengandung parasetamol).
7. Gemuk Sehat Pusaka Raga, PJ Bani Sahad, Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol).
8. Tenaga Sehat Pegal Linu Serbuk Produksi PJ Tenaga Sehat, Cilacap (mengandung metampiron).
9. Asam Urat Flu Tulang Super Tablet, PJ Ramuan Makassar, Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol)
10. Asam Urat Flu Tulang Super Tablet, PJ Ramuan Makassar, Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol).

11. Buah Delima Darah Tinggi Kapsul, PJ Amrih Sehat, Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol dan fenilbutason).
12. Buah Delima Kapsul PJ Amrih Sehat, Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol).
13. Gajah Kuat Tablet, PJ Pasific Trafic (mengandung fenilbutason).
14. Gemuk Sehat Untuk Pria dan Wanita Jati Sehat, PJ Salira Jaya, Cilacap, (mengandung parasetamol).
15. Obat gatal-gatal (eksim) Brantas Kapsul, PJ Ampuh Jaya, Cilacap (mengandung CTM).

16. Obat Kuat Tongkat Mesir Serbuk, PJ Bintang Pasir, (mengandung Tadalafil).
17. Pakar Jaya Asam Urat Si Tangkur Serbuk, PJ Pakar Jaya, Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol).
18. Power Sex Kapsul, PJ Kuat Sentosa (mengandung cheap cialis sitrat).
19. Serbuk Brastomolo, PJ Sari Manjur, Cilacap (mengandung Natrium Diklofenak)
20. Top Jaya Sakti Kapsul, PJ Amrih Sehat, Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol)

21. Torpedo Serbuk, PJ Segurah (mengandung cialis sitrat)
22. Walet Mas Serbuk PJ Sekar Arum, Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol)
23. Yunang Kapul, PJ Air Madu, Magelang (mengandung Sildenafil Sitrat)
24. Chang San Serbuk, PJ Aar Mujarab,Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol)
25. Flu Tulang Serbuk, PJ Tri Tunggal, Kroya, Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol)

26. Puji Sehat Gemuk Sehat Serbuk PJ Puji Sehat, Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol)
27. Sukma Perkasa Asam Urat Serbuk PJ Akar Perkasa, Cilacap (mengandung fenilbutason)
28. Asam Urat+Flu Tulang Ramuan Mahkota Dewa Kapsul, Kopja Aneka Sari Unit III, Gunung Sugih, Cilacap (mengandung Fenilbutason dan parasetamol)
29. Kammasutera Serbuk, PJ Sari India, Jakarta (mengandung sildenafil sitrat).
30. Pegal Linu dan Asam Urat Montalin Kapsul, PJ Air Madu, Magelang (mengandung parasetamol dan natrium diklofenak)

31. Godong Ijo Kapsul, PJ Air Madu, Magelang (mengandung parasetamol dan natrium diklofenak).
32. Buah Merah Khusus Pria dan Wanita Kapsul, produksi tidak tercantum (mengandung parasetamol)
33. Pa’e Obat Kuat dan Tahan Lama Kapsul, PJ Tujuh Empat (mengandung sidenafil sitrat).
34. Kuat Jantan Obat Kuat dan Tahan Lama Kapsul, PJ Benua Mas (mengandung sildenafil sitrat)
35. Gemuk Sehat Kapsul, PJPusaka Kraton Jawa (mengandung parasetamol)

36. Akar Jawa China Kapsul, PJ Bintang Genta Buana, Jateng(mengandung parasetamol)
37. Pegal Linu Reumatik Asam Urat Untuk Pria dan Wanita Kuat Sentosa Serbuk, PJ Gaya Baru, Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol dan fenilbutason)
38. Multi Guna Kaler Untuk Pria dan Wanita Serbuk, PJ Berkah Jaya, Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol)
39. Asam Urat Kaler Untuk Pria dan Wanita Serbuk, PJ Berkah Jaya, Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol)
40. Samurat Extra untuk Pria dan Wanita Serbuk, PJ Serbat Mujarab, Cilacap (mengandung parasetamol)

41. Asam Urat Nyeri Tulang Pengapuran Kapsul, PJ Alam Papua, Cilacap (mengandung fenilbutason)
42. 5X Lebih Dahsyat Obat Kuat dan Tahan Lama Tablet, PJ Singa Laut (mengandung parasetamol)
43. On-Top Kapsul, produksi Putra Jaya Melaka, Malaysia (mengandung Sildenafil Sitrat)
44. Lizhe Ba Zi Hu Zin Lin Tablet, New Ving Hong Enterprise, Perak, Malaysia (mengandung parasetamol)
45. New Happy Strong Kapsul, produksi tidak tercantum (mengandung sildenafil sitrat)
46. Morinda Extra Gingseng Kapsul, PJ Rizki Sukses Abadi (mengandung parasetamol).

Laporan: Iwan Kurniawan

• VIVAnews